The holistic therapy of acupuncture can encourage natural healing and improve body function. We used it to treat ailments and conditions ranging from arthritis, repetitive strain injury, IBS and insomnia to anxiety and depression, nicotine addiction, and low energy. Our expert team at the BodyScience, our better ageing clinic is here to answer all your questions and provide you with the highest quality care.
Services include:
- 60-Minute Acupuncture Session
- Couple’s Acupuncture
- Cupping
- Acu-Cupping (Combination of acupuncture and cupping)
Learn more by booking an appointment for a complimentary 20-minute consultation during your pre-arrival planning or by visiting the Wellness Centre whilst at BodyHoliday.
At BodyHoliday we devised what we call the "webroom". One for
every guest to plan and customise their experience.