10 Minute Guided Meditation with Master Practitioner Tendel

10 Minute Guided Meditation with Master Practitioner Tendel

Find calm amongst the chaos, through meditation with BodyHoliday’s Tende 

Meditation is a booming movement in today’s popular culture. Once considered a concept reserved exclusively for hardcore yogis, the practice has, in recent times, amassed an impressive and varied following, resonating with everyone from highflying city types to country-loving retirees.    

Here, one of BodyHoliday’s master practitioners, Tendel Zangpo, talks us through how meditation can help us to unwind and forget our daily worries and troubles. 

The art of meditation is almost as old as time, with the first recordings of its practice harking back to 1500 years before the birth of modern civilisation (BCE). First conceptualised by the early Hindu communities in India, the practice was soon to be adopted around the world, with differing forms manifesting, in time, as religious traditionwithin both Indian and Chinese Buddhism, as well in the Middle East.   

Regardless of belief, the overarching motivators and aims for carrying out the practice have remained the same over the years. A term which originated from the Latin word ‘to ponder’, meditation is believed to be the vehicle by which one can achieve a greater sense of self by garnering a better connection with their body and creating a stronger awareness of how one’s emotions influence behaviour. 

As to where the practice fits into modern day living, there have been a multitude of studies in recent years which have demonstrated the benefits of meditation. With stress defining our days and sleep troubles plaguing our nights, the physical and mental benefits of carrying out the practice have been proven to be plentiful, should we take just a little time out of our days to refocus our thoughts and energies.   

By establishing a connection between our internal and external worlds through meditationlong-term neurological benefits include, but are by no means limited to, stress stabilisation and resilience, greater emotional health and self-esteem and a heightened attention and concentration span. The continuous practice of meditation has even been suggested to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with chronic pain conditions, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression. 

With such an impressive roster of benefits, meditation could be just the self care project you’re looking to start during these times of social distancing and uncertainty. We’ve rounded up some of our top three tips to help kickstart you on your journey: 

Find a quiet spaceYou’ll need to be sitting comfortably during the practice to ensure you’re really able to let your mind do the work, without any physical obstructions 

Start early It’s so easy to put things off and off, until there’s no time left in the day to do it. Besides, meditation will allow you to start your day refreshed, energised and on track 

Create a routine. Whilst this isn’t always possible, the best way to create a lasting habit is by carrying it out at the same time and making it a regular part of your day 

Watch and follow Tendel’s 10-minute guided meditation here.  

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