Category: Health & WellBeing

Soulful Sound Bath

The Healing Harmony of Sound Therapy Introduction Imagine a type of therapy that requires nothing more than listening. Sound therapy is becoming a go-to wellness practice for many seeking mental and physical healing. For mindfulness and wellness enthusiasts, this ancient yet modern therapy offers a compelling way to achieve well-being. In this blog, you’ll discover… Continue reading Soulful Sound Bath

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Woman with white towel and two stones n her back

Hot Stones Massage

Discover the Magic of Hot Stones in Massage Therapy The Ancient Art of Hot Stone Massage Have you ever wondered what makes a hot stone massage so magical? Imagine lying on a comfy bed, soothing music playing softly in the background, as warm, smooth stones glide over your body, melting away your stress and tension.… Continue reading Hot Stones Massage

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Small rock Cairn

How to build a Cairn

Rock Your Zen: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Cairn Have you ever stumbled upon a stack of rocks perfectly balanced on a hiking trail and wondered what they signify? Well, those charming piles are called Cairns, and they’re more than just a cool way to pass the time. For wellness enthusiasts, building a Cairn… Continue reading How to build a Cairn

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The Vital Importance of Sleep

In today’s fast-paced world and like many other persons, burning the midnight candle can easily become a norm for me. These were late nights spent on projects, early mornings of squeezing in a workout and an endless stream of notifications that kept me always watchful. Sleep was something I gave up on believing that I… Continue reading The Vital Importance of Sleep

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Beyond the Mat

With the increasing benefits of Yoga, there is no doubt that the appreciation for this exercise has crossed borders. Proven to promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being, earning its day of observance on June 21st was inevitable. Let’s start with its origins Making Yoga Day an international day of observance was campaigned by the prime… Continue reading Beyond the Mat

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Women’s Health Month May

Celebrating Women’s Health Week: Top Experiences Women Seek for Wellness With May 12th marking the beginning of Women’s Health Week, it’s a timely reminder to prioritize self-care and wellness. Today’s health-conscious women are more informed and empowered than ever, actively seeking experiences and solutions that enhance their well-being. Understanding the aspects of health that concern… Continue reading Women’s Health Month May

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Mens Health Month-June

Celebrating Men’s Health Month June 2024 A Guide to Living Your Healthiest Life In June 2024, communities around the globe will mark Men’s Health Month, a dedicated period for raising awareness of the healthcare challenges and diseases men face. This annual observance highlights the importance of early detection, treatment, and the preventive measures men can… Continue reading Mens Health Month-June

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The Importance of Mental Health at BodyHoliday

Mental Health Month – May We’re seeing a real shift, folks, and it’s exhilarating! People finally recognise that taking care of your mental health is just as crucial as hitting the gym for your physical health. The trend is leaning towards holistic wellness, where mental well-being is front and centre. Retreats like BodyHoliday are becoming… Continue reading The Importance of Mental Health at BodyHoliday

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Yoga Girl Breathing your way tp stress reduction

Breathing Your Way to Stress Reduction:

Insights from Dr. Maha’s Workshop In the whirlwind of our daily lives, stress seems almost inevitable in being a working professional, a parent, or simply navigating the complexities of modern-day life as a millennial. But what if I told you there’s a powerful, accessible, and easy-to-engage tool at our disposal that’s often overlooked? Yes, I’m… Continue reading Breathing Your Way to Stress Reduction:

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Unlocking the Insights & exploring the Benefits of Iridology at BodyHoliday

In a world where holistic approaches to wellness are gaining momentum, the ancient practice of iridology stands out as a powerful tool for understanding and optimising health. Rooted in the belief that the eyes are windows to the body’s health and well-being, iridology offers a unique perspective on health assessment and personalised wellness. At BodyHoliday,… Continue reading Unlocking the Insights & exploring the Benefits of Iridology at BodyHoliday

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A Wellness Hunt: Finding Inner Peace and Joy

Spring is a time of renewal, symbolising new beginnings and the blossoming of life. At BodyHoliday, seasons take on a deeper meaning as guests embark on a journey of self-discovery, finding inner peace and joy through a unique wellness hunt. Through a blend of wellness activities like yoga, Tai Chi, sound healing, and meditation classes,… Continue reading A Wellness Hunt: Finding Inner Peace and Joy

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Revitalise Your Resolutions: A Journey to Wellness at BodyHoliday’s Clinic in 2024

As the dawn of 2024 approaches, many of us reflect on the past year and consider resolutions that will enhance our lives in the coming months. Among the myriad of aspirations, prioritising physical and mental well-being is a timeless and worthy pursuit. If you’re seeking a transformative and holistic approach to kickstart your journey to… Continue reading Revitalise Your Resolutions: A Journey to Wellness at BodyHoliday’s Clinic in 2024

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The Healing Wonders of Bhutanese Health and Spiritual Therapies

In the bustling world we live in today, where stress and anxiety seem to be constant companions, the pursuit of holistic well-being and spiritual harmony has become more important than ever. Many cultures around the world have developed unique methods to address these concerns, and one such culture is Bhutan, a landlocked kingdom nestled in… Continue reading The Healing Wonders of Bhutanese Health and Spiritual Therapies

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Compelling Reasons to Visit BodyHoliday Before the Festive Season

As the holiday season approaches, our lives become increasingly hectic. The rush to complete tasks at work, purchase gifts, and prepare for family gatherings can leave us feeling drained and stressed. However, there’s a wonderful way to counteract this holiday chaos and ensure you’re truly ready to embrace the festive season – by embarking on… Continue reading Compelling Reasons to Visit BodyHoliday Before the Festive Season

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Two women sitting breathing (Prana Breath)

The Breath

The Breath In Yoga The Breath is key.  To control the breath means to control the mind, to find ‘Sukha’ (ease) and lightness in practice through the breath. In our day to day if we experience stress, the breath shortens, if we are sad, the breath is shallow, if we feel anger we may hold… Continue reading The Breath

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HappyWoman on beach smiling and wearing a hat

Be Happy

The Importance of Happiness for Mental Health Happiness plays a crucial role in our overall well-being and quality of life. Here are a few reasons why happiness is important for mental health: Positive Emotions Happiness encompasses positive emotions like joy, contentment, and satisfaction. When we experience these positive emotions, our brain releases chemicals such as… Continue reading Be Happy

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The Holistic Approach to Life by Doug Svenson

Yoga is not a cult It used to be that most Americans viewed Yoga as a weird cult, practiced only by the lost souls on the fringe, who were wasting their time reaching for an abstract view of life. An aspiring student of yoga was not someone you would want living in your own neighborhood, let… Continue reading The Holistic Approach to Life by Doug Svenson

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Woman in Yoga Pose on Infinity pool

Yoga -What are the benefits?

What is the main goal of yoga? It is useful to understand the benefits of yoga before embarking on your yogic journey. Tradition The traditional purpose of yoga is to bring about a profound transformation in a person through the transcendence of the ego. In Hindi the word yoga means spiritual discipline. Fast track to… Continue reading Yoga -What are the benefits?

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Well Health

How BodyHoliday can make your National Women Health Week Goals Easy

Every year, Mother’s Day is followed by National Women’s Health Week, which promotes the importance of women’s and girls’ health. This year’s theme is “Stay active, Eat healthily” thus making it simple for many to join in. There has never been a more crucial time to put our physical and mental health first. Taking care… Continue reading How BodyHoliday can make your National Women Health Week Goals Easy

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How BodyHoliday makes your Wellness Resolution easy

We’re sure that you’ve planned a healthy lifestyle of going to the gym and giving up bad habits but unfortunately, committing to this is difficult. Let us talk about how an early visit to BodyHoliday Saint Lucia can help you achieve these goals. The idea of dining with us is to indulge in delicious cuisine… Continue reading How BodyHoliday makes your Wellness Resolution easy

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The Power of Stretching – Combatting Poor Posture

The Power of Stretching – Combatting Poor Posture When Working at Home  For many of us, Covid-19 has meant working from home and creating a new ‘office space’ within the house. This could mean your dining room table and chairs now double as a desk space and that your posture is dealing with the impact of this.   Most of… Continue reading The Power of Stretching – Combatting Poor Posture

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The Benefits of Gratitude Journaling

How gratitude journaling can help boost your mood and create a positive mindset  We can dream of the places we’d rather be, look back on fond memories and long for the people that we miss and aren’t able to see right now, but what if we paused and thought of all the things we can do?  … Continue reading The Benefits of Gratitude Journaling

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Ayurvedic Centre

Incorporate Ayurveda into your daily routine to create balance and harmony

Incorporate the ancient holistic art of Ayurveda into your daily routine to create balance and harmony   During self-isolation, with our immediate future shrouded in uncertainty, few of us may have given much thought to the idea of achieving inner balance.   Indeed, cultivating the ability to cope with the current difficulties is as admirable as it is essential. However, by incorporating just a few elements… Continue reading Incorporate Ayurveda into your daily routine to create balance and harmony

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Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Monday motivation: Top tips to help you wind down before bed   Sleep is a sought-after commodity at the best of times. With an industry worth billions of dollars, a plethora of new sleep-improving products constantly being conceptualised and a population soaking up reams of information on the subject, it is an innate bodily function most of us are always seeking to enhance.  Here are our top tips for a better… Continue reading Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

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10 Minute Guided Meditation with Master Practitioner Tendel

Find calm amongst the chaos, through meditation with BodyHoliday’s Tendel   Meditation is a booming movement in today’s popular culture. Once considered a concept reserved exclusively for hardcore yogis, the practice has, in recent times, amassed an impressive and varied following, resonating with everyone from highflying city types to country-loving retirees.     Here, one of BodyHoliday’s master practitioners, Tendel Zangpo, talks us through how meditation can help us to unwind and forget our daily worries and troubles.  The art of meditation is almost as old as… Continue reading 10 Minute Guided Meditation with Master Practitioner Tendel

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Dr Maha Breathe

Lower your stress with Dr Maha’s Breathing Exercises

Boost your immune system and lower your stress with Dr Maha’s Breathing Exercises   Of course it’s impossible to ignore the importance of breathing when it comes to our immediate physicality, but we are not always aware of how the way we breathe can have a long-term effect on our vital organs, internal processes and immune system, as well as our… Continue reading Lower your stress with Dr Maha’s Breathing Exercises

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Infrared Therapy

Far infrared detox therapy

Not your everyday sauna. The use of saunas date back to ancient times where different cultures around the world used it for detoxification purposes. As an inclusive part of your BodyHoliday, we offer you twenty-minute sessions of Far Infrared Detox therapy. If you are asking yourself what makes this treatment so beneficial, apart from being… Continue reading Far infrared detox therapy

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